Smart Weather Station in Nepal

The Best Smart Way To View And Stream Live Weather Data

Weatherlink Console

The WeatherLink console is a valuable tool for meteorologists who need to collect and analyze weather data for research or forecasting purposes. Data logging with real-time weather updates.

It can provide with accurate and timely information on current and future weather conditions to the farmers, which is crucial for making decisions related to crop management and irrigation scheduling.

Weather enthusiasts are often fascinated by the science of weather, including how it forms, the various weather patterns and phenomena, and how it impacts the natural world and human activities.

See today’s forecast when you wake up and check the latest conditions as you head outdoors. Set hundreds of alarms for weather inconvenience i.e high wind, freezing temperatures, high rain rate and more. Due to global warming there is changes in climate all over the world, the solar radiation are quite vital for our skin. This instrument identifies the UV and Solar Radiation for any needed precaution before any outdoor activity.

See data from up to 8 transmitting sensors in one location. Choose from 80+ sensors to customize your own personal weather network and make further forecasting, essential decision making with any uncertain weather condition. With advanced sensor you can just identify detail weather reports i.e wind speed and direction, rainfall rate and accumulation, barometer and many more detailed features.

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